Want to Make Your Home Pest Free This New Year? Follow These 3 Tips!

Have you started making a list of your New Year’s resolutions? As soon as the New year arrives, many people change their immediate lifestyle, while others want to learn more. But what to do when it comes to your home? Well, this year, promise yourself to make your home pest-free. Receiving a professional pest control service is undoubtedly the best option. But the following tips can also help you achieve this goal.

Pest Free Home

What to Do to Pest Proof Your Home This New Year

Here are a few useful tips that can help you keep your house pest-free.

Store Holiday Decorations Properly

Decorating a home means breaking out the boxes stashed in the basement, attic, or garage. And these boxes can harbour unwanted pests, including bugs, and others. But proper storage can eliminate the risk of infestation. Therefore, after the party, when you pack your decorations for storage, avoid using cardboard boxes, which may attract certain pests. In this regard, it’s best to store your holiday decorations in plastic containers.

Declutter Your House

Maybe, your home gets a bit cluttered during this festive season, especially when you can’t bring your time out for cleaning. But to prevent your house from pest nuisance, it’s imperative to keep your home clean and clutter-free because clutter can attract spiders, rodents, and other pests.

Check Your Trash Can

Whether it’s a Christmas or New year party, cooking and baking can result in more trashes in your kitchen. But does the trash can have an airtight lid? Haven’t you left it open over the night? If so, you have unknowingly invited pests into your house. So, why take this risk? Opt for a trash can that has an airtight lid, which closes automatically.

Well, following these tips can be effective to make your home pest-free. But unfortunately, if these fail, you need to call pest exterminators who will give a permanent solution.

A Reliable Pest Control Company to Contact

Want to make your home pest-free this New year? Reach out to experts at Green Valley Pest Control Ltd. They offer eco-friendly pest control solutions at a competitive rate. Visit greenvalleypestcontrolltd.ca to know more and fix an appointment.

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